Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A Day in the Life of Sarah...

What a day today was! Jameson, Luke and I went to Target, purchased items for Valentines sugar cookies and came home. Upon arriving home, I put the car in park and proceeded to push the button that automatically opens my trunk of the suburban. I always use this feature, but only when I am in the back of the vehicle to "catch" anything that has fallen in transit. Many a time, I have had to catch falling items. So, the one time I do not get back there and open it just happened to be today.

After pushing the button, I heard a crash in the back of the car and knew something had fallen. I was hoping it was not the 2 cartons of 18 eggs I had just gotten. I walked to the back of the car and saw eggs splattered across my garage floor. I cleaned it up salvaging about only a dozen, made my dough so that I could use four of the broken eggs with out wasting them and went on with my day.

Fast forward three hours...Luke was not asleep yet and Gracey gets home from school. I am typing on the computer and talking to Rachie and ask her to get Luke up. I loose track of time talking with Rachie and suddenly there is a loud, blood curdling scream from Gracey (my dramatic one). I panic, thinking there is a scorpion or a snake in the house. I ask her, "what?", she says, "Luke just dumped over the Superbowl cupcakes that look like a football". I calmly walk into the kitchen and this is what I see...


1 comment:

Rachael said...

I am loving this Sarah! Yea for the good blogging! I am laughing so hard right now!